It was cold but there was quite a crowd. I passed an Obama banner by City Hall on the way in, walking from the train with two brothers from Kenosha. A couple traveled from southwestern Michigan, a family from Indiana. People of all ages gathered from the city and suburbs.
There were flags flying, American and early American–Don’t Tread on Me. I met Sam Adams. I met my fellow blogger Flying Debris in his Paul Revere hat, to mark the occasion.

And there were signs everywhere. We had news cameras from ABC, NBC and Fox; WBBM, WLS and NPR radio.
Then as we marched toward the Chicago River, cars honked in support. We were at least 200 strong [400 the update] and stretched a block or two,rallying in the plaza by the Tribune tower, site of the McCormick Freedom Museum. Next to a statue of American Gothic, Sam Adams reminded us of the first tea party–where Americans refused to knuckle under to onerous taxation and began the fight for the freedoms we still hold dear today. So there you go–the Chicago Tea Party–and the snow held off for us. We were tempted to throw tea in the river but instead we roared a whole lot.More pictures and links update momentarily

UPDATE: More pix here.

Posted by BackyardConservative